

I provide bespoke marketing consultancy services. My expertise includes PR and marketing communications, digital marketing and analytics, strategy, and branding. 


UCLan new website: homepage


  • Havas SO (London)
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • Lancaster University
  • Canterbury Christ Church University

On behalf of Lancaster University:

  • The Big Food Project
  • AG International Ltd

MJRyder.net started way back in 2008 as a personal portfolio and blog. Over the years, the website has developed to encompass the many different aspects of my professional and academic career to become the website you see before you today.

Screenshot of MJRyder.net, taken February 2019

Sharing expertise

I also volunteer my time as a member of the Board of Trustees at Motive8 College, sharing my experience to help make difference to the lives of young people in Bradford.

Motive8 College, Bradford: The small college making a big difference.

In The Zone is a podcast collaboration between myself (Dr Mike Ryder) and fellow academic, Dr Josh Hughes. Described by one listener as ‘interesting chats with Mike and Josh’, each week, we take up a subject that we think is particularly interesting, and relate it back to our research and the wider world of academia. We also interview fellow researchers and review relevant books and films.

Screenshot from the new In The Zone podcast website